Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Note from Aaron!

Dear Friends,
Thanks for your prayers and continuing to partner with us for even greater harvests in Latin America.

This year has probably been the year where I've travelled more than ever before,,, Bogota, Colombia, Mexico city, various times in the US...States, Dallas, in Mexico, Las Vegas, Nevada, Los Angeles, Calif...even got to have a powerful prayer time at the Azuza street house where Revivalist William Seymour and the Azuza revival happened 100 hundred years ago,,,

I just returned back from Mexico city this Monday after ministering in our churches there, and just a quick footnote, another pastor is joining us (pastor Alejandro) and he has another 6,7 churches,,, so we just jumped to like close to 25,26 churches in Latin America...

You know, together with some Holy Spirit synergism, and partnering we can sure do a lot more than by ourselves, and this is why Carrie and I again want to thank you for your prayers and support. The fruit is multiplying in front of our eyes. My hearts desire is to not lose the valuable friendship and contact with you... my challenge is as you know, since 99% of the time I am travelling and ministering in Latin America, my times in the USA, the states seems at this moment a little limited, and there is this famous saying, OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND,,, So I humbly ask for your help to under gird this in anyway you see possible... Believe me, I'm not like many missionaries who spend most of there time in the USA and get to constantly visit there supporters and friends in there mobile travelling homes, and just spend 8, 9 months or more visiting churches, and supporters. NO, this just isn't me, I admit it as a certain weakness, our support has suffered, but may I be very upfront with you,,, THE TRUTH IS BECAUSE WE ARE CONSTANTLY MINISTERING HERE IN MEXICO, LATIN America, IN CHURCHES, HISPANIC CHURCHES, VILLAGES, IN OUR CHURCHES HERE IN LATIN AMERICA... YES MY FLAW IS I HARDLY COME TO THE USA,, I NEED TO MAKE TIME,, BUT MY PASSION TO TOUCH LATIN America SEEMS ONLY TO GROW AND THE HOLY ZEAL TO REACH THE LOST HERE CONSUMES ME,,, PLEASE PRAY FOR ME,,, I WISH I COULD VISIT YOU ALL ONCE EVERY 3 MONTHS,,, BUT SOME OF YOU ITS BEEN AGES I KNOW. GET THIS, MY MOTHER AND I HADN'T EVEN SEEN EACH OTHER FOR OVER A YEAR, SO WE FINALLY WERE ABLE TO BE TOGETHER IN A HISPANIC CONFERENCE I PARTICIPATED WITH IN DALLAS, TEXAS. NOW SHE´S OFF AGAIN TO AFRICA SO IT WILL BE AWHILE UNTIL WE CAN SEE HER AGAIN. I HOPE YOU CAN HEAR MY HEART IN THIS.


PO BOX 439
OAK GROVE, MO, 64075

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Mission Trip!

Dear Friends,
We just returned last nite from our amazing trip to Bogota, Colombia.

This was my 5th time to participate with Pastors Ricardor & Patricia Rodriguez in their annual revival conference. But I have to say this year was the best. The wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit came so powerfully and touching all of us.

It seemed we spent a lot of time on the floor, receiving, being touched, ministered to, and was so powerful. The pastors Rodriguez were so used by God in the conference... Colombia and Latin America is being tremendously impacted by their ministry.

I translated 7 times, for the Pastors, and also pastor Claudio Freidzon was present as one of the speakers, and He was greatly used by God.

Thousands of pastors and church leaders came from around the globe to be touched and blessed by the anointing, and they weren´t disappointed... The Lord did again that verse (Eph.3:20) God is powerful and is able to do super abundantly above and beyond all we ask or think according to the power which worketh in us,,,

I'm back home now and still soaking in the wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit.

Carrie and I again thank you so much for your prayers and for those who support us financially throughout these many years.

Missionaries are definitely a special breed, and maybe even I could dare say, there are a special breed of missionaries within the missionaries.

I thank God for those who come and have done one or various times short term missions trips. These are so valuable, and they must continue.

I thank God so much for those who came to the mission field for 1 year, 2,3,4,5 ,,, and the seeds they sowed.

But I must say it has been 100% the supernatural grace of God that has sustained us, used us, taken us, lifted us to see powerful things these last 33 years of ministry here in Latin America.

It definitely does something to me when i think we have lived more years on the mission field than our own country of origin.

I´m not trying to glorify the Kolbs, but the Lord God almighty who called us in the 70´s, and from 1977 until now we have endeavoured to be faithful to that high calling.

Carrie and I after two weeks of marriage, I brought here to the largest city of the world, or one of the largest, Mexico City, and there for 9 years we saw the faithfulness of God in the church that we had the privilege of being a part of starting and raising up. We grew from 30 to 3000 and what a tremendous adventure of faith that was.

Then it was off to Quito Ecuador for 4 years. We started a new anointed bible school, and touched thousands of lives, and now after having returned some 12 times in the last 3, 4 years, I can tell you the fruit of those years we sowed in Ecuador brings us to tears and we give God all the glory. New churches, pastors, leaders, ministries have been raised up,,, and are touching the multitudes.

Then in 1989 we moved to Guadalajara, where we have been for the last 20 years. What has happened in 20 years? I think it would take a while to try to write here all the things we have experienced and lived in 20 years.

But I can testify that we were faithful to his calling to start a bible school here in the city, and which I had the privilege of leading for 3 years, and which continued touching many students for another 7 years. After our 3 years with the bible school, Carrie and I launched out into the deep waters as the Lord revealed to us that we were to start a church here.

So we obeyed again, and started the church which we now pastor, New Creation! From this church the Lord has graced us to help start many other churches, and the ones who have joined with us are another 20 churches.

To see my children raised in Missions, serving God with all there hearts,,, thank you Jesus, there are not words to express how thankful we are for this blessing. It hit me strong this Sunday as I along with my oldest and youngest sons were in Colombia, Bogota,,, ministering, and Jeremy who is my 2nd son, he was here in Guadalajara ministering on Sunday morning. Wow,,, I am so grateful to Jesus for all He has and is doing in our lives, in our Sons, and their families.

We love you all,

Aaron & Carrie Kolb

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Up Date From Aaron

Dear Friends,
Well, praise God we´re right in the middle of this thing here in Mexico...thank you for your prayers of faith on our behalf. We know that the Blood line is over us and the devil can't touch us in Jesus name,but we do appreciate your prayers over us...everything is closed down, businesses, churches, restaurants, and so we are seeing how to handle this tomorrow.

We know that times like this of great crisis are also times where people start opening up more to spiritual things, to God, and so we are believing that this will shake people out of that religious comfort zone and make people start seeking God for answers....

Thank you for standing with us and for your support and prayers that avail much in God, we love you.

Carrie and I just got back yesterday from the Las Vegas Revival meetings this last Tuesday and Wednesday with the pastors from Bogota Colombia, and it was powerful and many pastors and people there were touched by the Holy Spirits presence and power.

Supernatural Grace,
Aaron & Carrie